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Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Your Shoulder Works - Livermore Boot Camp Trainer - Deborah Sandoval "Queen Boot Camp"

Livermore Boot Camp Adventure Fitness Trainer, Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Diva at Diva Fitness and Tri Valley Adventure Boot Camp" is a Natural Force Fitness Lifstyle Expert, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Certified Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Trainer, Online Personal Trainer. TRX Suspension Trainer and Outdoor Fitness Expert.With degrees in Recreational and Rehabilitation Therapies, Medical Assisting, Developmental Disabilities, Certified Personal Fitness Chef, Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, Therapeutic Massage Therapist with studies in Biology, Nutrition, Human Anatomy and Physiology.

When she coaches her Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp locations, she makes sure to give her campers the information that will help them succeed in reaching their goals in health and fitness and to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Here is what Deborah, Queen Boot Camp at Diva Fitness at her Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp and Dublin Boot Camp locations teaches you about the shoulder........

THE SHOULDER and how it functions.....

The shoulder is a remarkable joint built primarily for movement, but also possesses a great deal of stability.  Most joints such as the knee, spine, and ankle derive their stability from ligaments. The shoulder however is different in that the majority of its stability is provided by muscles.  These stabilizing muscles are called the "rotator cuff" and are found underneath the overlying deltoids muscles. The rotator cuff is commonly injured in sports such as football, baseball, and gymnastics. 

So what's the best exercise for you? Find out by contacting me "Queen Diva" today for your FREE Health and Fitness consultation and lets get you the Jump Start that you need to reach your health and fitness goals. Call me at 925-518-3434 and get started TODAY!!

Come to Tri Valley Boot Camp and join our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp or Dublin Boot Camp for fat blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Log onto the website to find out about our boot camps and get started on your program today!

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward our newsletter and subscribe you or your friends.

Refer a Friend And Give The Gift of Heatlh & Fitness!

Voted Best of The East Bay 2011

Deborah, "Queen Diva @ Diva Fitness"




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"Creating Possibilities, Conquering Challenges, Changing Lives"

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Livermore Boot Camp - Tri Valley Adventure Boot Camp -Lucky #7 Metabolic Boost Circuit

This is why we ROCK the House at our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, and Dublin Boot Camp!

Let me know how I can help!! ~Deborah "Queen Boot Camp"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Livermore Boot Camp Trainer Reveals ~ Seven Secrets To Maintain Weight Loss

Livermore Boot Camp Adventure Fitness Trainer, Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp" is a Natural Force Fitness Lifstyle Expert, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Certified Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Trainer, Online Personal Trainer. TRX Suspension Trainer and Outdoor Fitness Expert.

When she coaches her Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp locations, she makes sure to give her campers the information that will help them succeed in reaching their goals in health and fitness and to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Here is Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp", advice on how you can maintain weight loss.....

If you've ever lost weight, you know how hard it is to keep it off.

Ever wonder why some people are able to keep weight off, while others put it right back on? Read on for the 7 Secrets to Maintain Weight Loss. (And if you still have pounds to lose, these 7 secrets will help you too.)

Secret #1: Keep on Moving
If you're serious about keeping the weight off, you need to be serious about your workouts. Keep your activity level high, both in and out of the gym. Your workouts should consist of both cardiovascular training and strength training. While out of the gym make an effort to move as much as possible by taking the stairs, going for walks or jogs and participating in recreational activities.

Secret #2: Be a Healthy Eater
Sorry, you can't go back to eating at the drive thru and expect to maintain your weight loss. Focus on these 3 aspects of healthy eating:

1.Keep calories low. Gone are the days of eating mindlessly. Be aware of everything that goes into your mouth, whether by journaling or simply keeping a mental tally.
2.Be careful. Eat small portions, avoid high-calorie foods and check nutrition labels. You don't have to swear off chocolate forever, just eat it occasionally with portion control.
3.Eat a balanced diet. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.
Secret #3: Turn off the TV
The average person watches a whopping 35 hours of television each week. People who successfully maintain weight loss, on the other hand, watch an average of 7 hours or less. TV watching encourages snacking and puts you in a sedentary position on the couch. Spend less time in front of the TV and enjoy longer lasting weight loss.

Secret #4: Keep it Simple
While it is important to keep a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, your diet should be fairly simple. Create a repertoire of basic whole foods: fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, beans and nuts. When you cut down on your options it becomes easier to stick to your plan, making weight loss guaranteed.

Secret #5: Track Yourself
Your biggest fear is gaining back every solitary lost pound, but don't be afraid of your scale. Weigh yourself at least once each week to monitor any gains. If the numbers begin to climb then reduce calories and increase your exercise.

Secret #6: Eat for the Right Reason
Emotional eating is one of the top reasons that people are overweight. It's very important that you view food as fuel, not as an answer to deeper emotional needs. When food becomes more than just fuel, the pounds quickly add up. If you want to keep your weight under control, you're going to have to eliminate emotional eating.

Secret #7: Forget All-Or-Nothing
No one is perfect – not even you! There will be days when you eat more calories than you should have. There will also be days when you miss a workout. Don't let small slipups send you into a tailspin of all-or-nothing sabotage. Simply get back to your healthy lifestyle rather than letting yourself backslide into your old habits.

Don't be one of the many who skip these 7 secrets and instead return to life pre-weight loss. You worked hard to be where you are – you deserve to keep it.

I'm always available to help you achieve any fitness or weight loss goal. Call or email to get started on a solid exercise program that will change your body and life forever.

Do you want to flatten and sculpt your waist in time for summer this year? All you have to do is decide that you really want it. Commit to yourself-you deserve it. CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY.

Come to Tri Valley Boot Camp and join our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp or Dublin Boot Camp for fat blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Log onto the website to find out about our camps and get started on your program today!

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward our newsletter and subscribe you or your friends.

Refer a Friend And Give The Gift of Heatlh & Fitness!

Voted Best of The East Bay and featured on the Tri Valley's very own KKIQ radio!

Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp"
925-518-3434 Direct

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Livermore Boot Camp Certified Trainer - Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp" shows you What's For Dinner!

Livermore Boot Camp Adventure Fitness Trainer, Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp" is a Natural Force Fitness Lifstyle Expert, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Certified Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Trainer, Online Personal Trainer. TRX Suspension Trainer and Outdoor Fitness Expert.

When she coaches her Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp locations, she makes sure to give her campers the information that will help them succeed in reaching their goals in health and fitness and to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Here is What's For Dinner tonight!! Enjoy have fun and make it a healthy day!

Seasoned Ahi Steak Ahi tuna is high in protein and low in fat, the perfect combination for building a lean, toned body. Add a side of roasted asparagus for a delicious healthy meal.
Servings: 4

Here's what you need:
•1 Tablespoon olive oil
•1/4 cup lemon juice
•4 cloves garlic, minced
•1 teaspoon red chili flakes
•2 Tablespoons cilantro, minced
•dash of salt and pepper
•4 (6oz) ahi tuna steaks
1.In a large re-sealable plastic bag combine the first six ingredients; mix well.
2.Add tuna to the marinade, cover and refrigerate for 1-1/2 hours, turning once. Drain and discard marinade. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
3.Place the tuna in a glass pan. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn the steaks and bake for another 10 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 312 calories, 10g fat, .6g carbohydrate, .2g fiber, and 50g protein.

Come to Tri Valley Boot Camp and join our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp or Dublin Boot Camp for fat blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Log onto the website to find out about our camps and get started on your program today!

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward our newsletter and subscribe you or your friends.

Refer a Friend And Give The Gift of Heatlh & Fitness!

Voted Best of The East Bay and featured on the Tri Valley's very own KKIQ radio!

Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp"
925-518-3434 Direct

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Livermore Boot Camp Trainer wants to know...Who Else Wants the Secret to Great Abs?

Livermore Boot Camp Adventure Fitness Trainer, Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp" is a Natural Force Fitness Lifstyle Expert, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Certified Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Trainer, Online Personal Trainer. TRX Suspension Trainer and Outdoor Fitness Expert.

When she coaches her Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp locations, she makes sure to give her campers the information that will help them succeed in reaching their goals in health and fitness and to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Here is her advice on what the secrets are to great looking abs......

It never fails. As spring approaches people start thinking about getting in shape for summer. And every year the number one thing I'm asked at our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, and Dublin Boot Camp locations, is "How can I get great abs?"

You've probably pondered that question at some time or another and you're likely frustrated with your waistline. Maybe you've given up on your abs after doing dozens of crunches only to see zero results. I don't blame you.

Forget everything you've heard about how to sculpt your abs. Crunches simply won't give you a six pack.
You see, to do crunches with the hope that it will turn your midsection into a washboard is to operate under one of the most widely held fitness myths. I'm talking about spot reducing. Simply put, training one area of your body will not specifically burn fat from that area. At our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp and Dublin Boot Camp locations, our campers do exercises that will bring them results and we do very little crunches and when we do them they are only the ones that count.

You've probably heard that spot reducing is a myth, but most people still train as if it is true. Doing crunches will not magically make your waist shrink, it will not cause your muffin top to disappear, and it will not give you washboard abs. Only a drop in body fat will do that for you.

So what is the secret to great abs? Instead of endless crunches, the secret is a winning combination of fat burning cardio, resistance training, and proper eating. At Tri Valley Adventuer Boot Camp we are making things happen with our campers. Our program gives them a complete experience along with great tools to help them achieve their fitness goals. Awesome workouts, nutrition manual and handouts, FREE nutrition seminar, and endless motivating support with an awesome bi-monthly newsletter.

It is absolutely possible for you to dramatically shape up your waistline before summer hits this year. Yes, Y-O-U. Weight loss is not reserved only for the people you've seen on the Biggest Loser or on diet pill infomercials. You can do it too. With the right tools from Natural Force Fitness, Inc and Tri Valley Adventure Fitness Boot Camp, "Queen Boot Camp", Deborah Sandoval one of the Tri Valley's top trainers will give you all that you need to succeed.

Answer the following two questions to see how your routine measures up:

How often do you exercise? If your answer was anything less than 4 times a week, then that's the first thing getting between you and streamline abs. How do you define a fat burning workout? A routine including intense cardiovascular training coupled with effective resistance training. Do you do this? NO!! Well come to our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp or Dublin Boot Camp and get what you need to reach your health and fitness goals. Deborah Sandoval "Queen Boot Camp" will personally guide you through your program and help with any adjustments to nutrition and workouts to fit your level.

I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, but walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes isn't a fat blasting routine. Neither is a leisurely 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. The truth is that you can dramatically increase your results while investing less time when you exercise right. At Tri Valley Adventure Boot Camp we give you workouts that combine strength, cardio intervals, combination moves that ROCK THE HOUSE. It's simple, to the point and we get results.

Cardio exercise is all about maintaining an effective level of intensity. This doesn't mean that you should be out of breath or gasping for air. It does mean that you need to push yourself. Cardio Intervals are the best along with Tabata work they will give you the best results and cardio interval training should be done at the end of a work out once you have already done strength training. Your body's metabolism is already running strong and the cardio bursts will give it that much more burn.

Resistance training is the second key part of a fat burning workout. This means working your major muscle groups against resistance in a way that stimulates your metabolism. Again the key here is to find the right intensity and to keep each muscle group guessing. Weight swings, squats that incorporate weights, weight training, squat curl presses, jumping jacks with weights and more. Join our Face Book page under Natural Force Fitness, Inc and Tri Valley Boot Camp to get some great FREE workouts to show you exactly what to do! Or better yet join our bi-monthly newsletter that is packed with lots of health, fitness and nutrition information to give you some great tools to jump start your program! For even more information follow our tweets on Twitter for Deborah Sandoval "Queen Boot Camp" .

What kind of shape is your diet in? Diet is a big stumbling block for most people-especially as it relates to their midsection. Here's a fact: If your diet is out of control then your abs will be too. You can't trim your waist without trimming the junk out of your diet, regardless of how hard you exercise.

•Keep calories in check. Do you know how many calories you eat? The best way to find out is to record everything you eat for a few days. Tally the number of calories that you eat each day and do an evaluation-feel free to recruit me to help out with this part. Together we'll chart improvements for your diet and adjust your calories for maximum results.

•Just say "No" to junk food. While this may seem obvious, your definition of "junk food" may need an alteration. Refined sugar is one of the biggest culprits in the junk food world-it is found in soft drinks, blended coffee drinks, cookies, cakes, packaged snacks, and other sinfully sweet treats. Processed fat is another monster. As a rule of thumb you can safely view all processed or refined items as junk food.

•Eat more frequently. The key here is to never let your metabolism "crash" by going hours without eating. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to skip breakfast-as this is the meal that 'breaks the fast' that your body goes into each night. Stick with eating small meals every few hours and always avoid stuffing yourself.

You should now understand why you are better off not wasting time on crunches-while it is important to exercise your abs a couple of times a week, you won't expect fat to fall of that area after 100's of crunches.

Do you want to flatten and sculpt your waist in time for summer this year? All you have to do is decide that you really want it. Commit to yourself-you deserve it. CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND YOUR BODY.

Come to Tri Valley Boot Camp and join our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp or Dublin Boot Camp for fat blasting workouts that deliver results. Together we will get you on a program that will help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Log onto the website to find out about our camps and get started on your program today!

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward our newsletter and subscribe you or your friends.

Refer a Friend And Give The Gift of Heatlh & Fitness!

Voted Best of The East Bay and featured on the Tri Valley's very own KKIQ radio!

Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp"
925-518-3434 Direct

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Livermore Boot Camp Trainer Presents ~ What's For Lunch? ~ Great Fresh Tacos!

Livermore Boot Camp Adventure Fitness Trainer and Natural Force Fitness Lifestyle Expert, Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp" shows you just how easy it is to boost your nutrition and keep you eating healthy.

Try this delicious recipe for your snack, lunch or dinner meals to keep you on track. The family will love this not to mention it's quick and easy. Be creative and spice it up with some homemade salsas.

Fresh Vegetable Tacos There is no question that these veggie stuffed tacos are both healthy and delicious. Fresh asparagus, sweet peppers, corn, onion, pinto beans and cilantro create a tasty blend of flavors. To increase your protein intake feel free to throw in strips of lean chicken breast. Serve with sliced avocado and a side of salsa. Servings: 6

Here's what you need...
•1 teaspoon olive oil
•2 cloves garlic, minced
•1 medium onion, chopped
•2 cups asparagus, cut into 1 inch pieces
•1 cup sweet peppers, chopped (red, yellow, orange or all three!)
•3 ears of corn, kernels shaved off
•1 (15 oz) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
•1/4 chopped cilantro
•6 whole wheat tortillas
•1 avocado, sliced

1.Place the olive oil and garlic in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add the onions and sauté for about three minutes or until the onions begin to soften.

2.Add the asparagus and continue to sauté , stirring occasionally for 5 minutes.

3.Add the peppers and continue to sauté , stirring occasionally for 5 minutes.

4.Add the corn, beans and cilantro and sauté for 5 more minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. *Note: Make sure you don't overcook the vegetables. You want them to be tender but not too soft.*

5.Remove from heat. Place a scoop of the veggie mixture in each tortilla and top with sliced avocado. Serve with your favorite salsa.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 308 calories, 8g fat, 46g carbohydrate, 13g fiber, and 12g protein.

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward our newsletter and subscribe you or your friends.

Refer a Friend And Give The Gift of Heatlh & Fitness!

Voted Best of The East Bay and featured on the Tri Valley's very own KKIQ radio!

Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp"
925-518-3434 Direct

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Livermore Boot Camp Presents - Foods Other Than Meat That Are Packed With Protein

Livermore Boot Camp Trainer reveals other foods that are packed with Protein other than meat. To give you the power and energy for your workouts and to live a healthier lifestyle.

Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp" is a Natural Force Fitness Lifstyle Expert, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, Certified Adventure Boot Camp Fitness Trainer, Online Personal Trainer. TRX Suspension Trainer and Outdoor Fitness Expert.

When she coaches her Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp locations, she makes sure to give her campers the information that will help them succeed in reaching their goals in health and fitness and to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Check out her list of foods that are packed with protein and are not meat based items. Not only will they give that edge in your daily nutrition but they will support your fitness workouts.

Beans (including soy)
Tofu, ½ cup 20 grams protein
Tofu, 1 oz, 2.3 grams
Soy milk, 1 cup - 6 -10 grams
Most beans (black, pinto, lentils, etc) about 7-10 grams protein per half cup of cooked beans
Soy beans, ½ cup cooked – 14 grams protein
Split peas, ½ cup cooked – 8 grams

Nuts and Seeds
Peanut butter, 2 Tablespoons - 8 grams protein
Almonds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
Peanuts, ¼ cup – 9 grams
Cashews, ¼ cup – 5 grams
Pecans, ¼ cup – 2.5 grams
Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup – 6 grams
Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup – 8 grams
Flax seeds – ¼ cup – 8 grams

Whole Grains/Rice/Oatmeal
1 slice has about 5grms
1 serving of pasta/rice about 15grms (we only need one serving per sitting)
1 serving of Oatmeal about 7grms

For more FREE information about Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp and Tri Valley Adventure Boot Camp or to schedule a FREE Health and Fitness Consultation with Deborah, "Queen Boot Camp" at Natural Force Fitness, Inc, don't hesitate to call her directly or email her and get put on the calendar to give you that jump start into a healthier lifestyle.

To receive our bi-monthly newsletter packed with FREE health and fitness tips, recipes, power blas alerts, workouts and much more....

Send us an email at or text us at 925-518-3434 and in your message include your email address and say "ADD NEWSLETTER" and we will make sure you are added for our next issue.

Voted Best of The East Bay and featured on the Tri Valley's very own KKIQ radio!

Deborah Sandoval, "Queen Boot Camp"
925-518-3434 Direct