Nutrition - 21 Day Detox Challenge - Join Us!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boot Camp Nutrition - Spicy Pumpkin Soup

At Tri Valley Boot Camp, "Queen Boot Camp" always teaches the importance of great nutrition. At our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, and Dublin Boot Camps, we strive to help our bodies work like a fat burning machine.

Pumping up the workouts to include compound fat burning movements, sports drills, and interval training keeps the body burning fat for up to 48 hours after your workouts. Making sure we support our bodies with good healthy nutrition is essential.

Here is a great recipe to enjoy this Fall with the family. Don't forget to come out to boot camp to get your fat burning 300 Workout and show "Queen Boot Camp" what you got!

Don't forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up on the latest in health, fitness and nutrition!


Always do the things you think you can't!
~Queen Boot Camp

Prep Time: 5 minutes, Cook Time: 15 minutes, Servings: 4

4 Cups Fat Free Chicken Broth

1 Can Pure Pumpkin

1 Can Black Beans, drained and rinsed

1 Cup canned sweet corn kernels

1 Cup Medium Salsa

1 Tablespoon minced garlic

1/2 Teaspoon garlic powder

2 Teaspoons chili powder

1/2 Teaspoon ground cumin

1/2 Cup reduced fat sour cream

1/2 Cup low fat sharp cheddar cheese

1. Spray a medium sized pot with non stick spray and set to medium heat. Add broth
and spices and bring to a simmer.

2. Stir in pumpkin and mix well. Add salsa, black beans, and corn and bring to
boil. Reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Top soup with sour cream and cheddar cheese.

Calories: 197, Fat: 8g, Carbs: 34g, Fiber: 9g, Sugars: 8g, Protein: 10g

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Boot Camp Fat Burning Nutrition Tips

At our Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp and Dublin Boot Camps, campers ask me all the time about what is the best way to go about having a healthy clean nutrition program. Good, clean nutrition is pretty simple. Here are my top five tips to achieving great nutrition for your boot camp fitness program.

1. Take out the sugar! Learn how to read the labels on the products you comsume. The less ingredients there are on the label the better. If you can't pronounce it you shouldn't be consuming it.

2. Take out the bad fat and keep the good fat. Raw nuts, olive oil and avacados are all great sources of good fat.

3. Increase your vegetable and fruit intake by two fold. This is what I call "Free Food" you can consume as much as you possibly can in a day. As long as it's fresh and clean. Check your local Farmer's Market to find great produce and support your local farmers. The closer you buy your produce the less chance it has of being covered with pesticides. Ask the farmers how they grow their produce.

4. Water, Water, Water!! Increasing your intake of water is essential for daily healthy life. We are composed of over 60% water so we need to replenish it throughout our day. If you are eating 5-6 small meals a day (as you should) then make sure you have a glass of water with each meal. That will at least get you started on your water intake.

5. Journal your daily food intake. Kaiser released results at the end of 2008 that should twice as much weight loss between two groups that were on the same nutrition plan for the same amount of time. Only difference one group wrote their daily food intake down in a journal. This helps show you how much you are taking in and where you need to make changes.

At Tri Valley Boot Camp (Livermore Boot Camp, Pleasanton Boot Camp, Dublin Boot Camp) we offer nutritional coaching to help our campers be successful. You can not out train bad nutrition. Strive to be at least 90% in your nutrition as a clean and fresh as you can get it.

We also have a 28 Day Jump Start Fat Burning Detox Nutrition Plan that is available for not only our campers but others who just can't make it to camp or who are looking to get there body running effeciently to give their fitness plan a boost.

If you are interested in our 28 Day Jump Start Fat Burning Detox Nutrition Plan, be the first to purchase your copy. Email us at to be put on our Early Bird Waiting List. Don't wait!

Here is another way to assist you in your nutrition programs. Try a recipe from our Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book. It's not just a cook book but a guide to daily healthy living.

Here are a couple free recipes from our Adventure Cook Book. Enjoy!

Grilled Vegetable Quesadillas

Yields 4 servings
2 cups grilled assorted vegetables (See Grilled Balsamic Grilled Vegetables recipe)
1 cup low fat shredded Monterrey Jack, cheddar or pepper jack cheese
1 sliced green onion
Cilantro leaves
Nonstick cooking spray
4 whole wheat tortillas

Spray nonstick cooking spray in heavy frying pan and heat pan on medium high heat. Place tortilla in pan and layer with ½ of cheese and grilled vegetables. Top with sliced green onions and cilantro leaves. Place second tortilla on top of first. Once cheese is melted and tortilla is browned, carefully flip and brown second side. Once second side is brown, remove from pan. Allow cheese to set about 1 minute before cutting into quarters. Serve 2 pieces of quesadilla with your favorite low fat salsa.

Nutritional Information

Calories 218.6
Fat 5.3 grams
Carbohydrates 32.7 grams
Protein 14.1 grams


Shredded Chicken and Mango Wraps

Yields 8 servings
1 cup small diced peeled mango
1 cup small diced Roma tomatoes
¼ cup diced red bell pepper
¼ cup diced red onion
¼ chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ teaspoon salt
Black pepper to taste
8 fat free flour tortillas (or whole wheat)
3 cups shredded cooked chicken (can use skinless rotisserie chicken, if desired)
½ cup low fat sour cream
1 cup shredded red cabbage
1 cup shredded or matchstick carrots

Combine mango, tomato, peppers, onions, cilantro lemon juice, salt and pepper. Spread 1 tablespoon sour cream over each tortilla. Evenly spread shredded chicken over tortilla. Top each with about 2 ounces mango mixture and small amount of shredded cabbage and carrots. Roll up tortillas. Slice in the diagonal for presenting.

Nutritional Information

Calories 245
Fat 3.9 grams
Protein 20.2 grams
Carbohydrates 32 grams

These are just two of the healthy and tasty recipes from the NEW Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book.

You can get the entire cook book right now! Check it out!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Take Charge Of Your Llife

My good friend and collegue Mike Mahler - expert strength coach, has posted a great article on how to take charge of your life! He did an outstanding job and it is well worth the read. Check out his article here on our Facebook page.

Decide to get off the fence and do something about your life. Make the changes you need to move forward and see where it takes you. I get asked all the time "How do you have all this energy to do what you do each day?" Well there are a few things I do to get me up and ready for my life.

1. Each day I arise I remember to give thanks to the universe that it has given me yet another opportunity to make a change.

3. Each day I start with an affirmation and a video I love to watch with Will Smith. See the post from February 13th below.

4. I remind myself "I don't know what I don't know!" Why? Well,then I am reminded that I need to know what I want to know and the only way is to get out there and seek and learn.

5. There will always be something that I just don't have the expertise to make a well rounded decision. It may be in my business, my children, my personal life or my relationships with those around me. So instead of trying over and over again to do it all myself.... I come to realize....I will at some point need someone to STAND BY ME! Click on STAND BY ME and Watch the video it's powerful!

6. If I ever get side track or lose my way. I always know I can Make A U-Turn to take me back where I started and try again. Never give up.

These are just a few things I do each day to help me out and make sure I stay focused on the path that I want to journey down. We will always have obstacles and we will always have those that come into our lives that seem to spread the negative energy. But in the final moment we and we alone have hold to the key to make the change.

Once big way I help myself stay clear and focused is by good nutrition. You can't beat it!

Adventure Boot Camp has finally come out with a great way to help not only it's campers but all those looking for an great guide to help you with healthy cooking and living for you and your families.

Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book Put together by many of the Adventure Boot Camp trainers from around the globe and our very own Master Trainer Kelli Calabrese.

Adventure Boot Camp Cook Book

Check it out and make sure you try it out! I am sure there will be something in there that can help you live healthy so your mind stays clear and focused.

Let me know what you think!

Live Aggresive, Strong & Healthy!


Deborah Sandoval, Owner/Lead Certified Adventure Boot Camp Trainer

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Boot Camp 300 Workout and The Benefits of Organic Nutrition

Today in our Tri Valley Boot Camp we did one of the many variations of the 300 Workout! Boy have my campers rocked the house on this one!! Thought you might enjoy it. Like I tell them every day.... don't be afraid to make your body a little uncomfortable, challenge it and see the changes begin.

Once you do the work out don't forget to read the article below about Splenda and how it really affects your body. Stick to the natural stuff, cut the sugars, increase your water intake, increase your veggies by two fold and have a balanced healthy fresh nutrition plan to support your macronutrients- Protien ~ Carbs ~ Fat.

Have fun with the workout! Let me know how you do. If I can be of assistance in your health and fitness needs just let me know!

Each set is 100 reps. # of sets for time. They had 20 minutes to see how close they came to the 300 rep goal. They kicked some BUTT! My newbies completed 200 reps and my SUPERSTARS surpassed the 300!

Great job ladies! Way to work hard, agressive and strong!

Here it is try yourself and modify it for your own fitness level by adding more weight or more reps per set.

Have fun!

300 Baby!

* 20 Cross Countries with weights (basically reverse lunge with arm swings forward & backwards)
* 20 Squat with a hammer curl and press up
* 20 Quick Steps (switch lead leg half way) or 20 Stair/Box jumps
* 20 Push Ups (Spade, Spiderman, Negatives, Standard - you pick)
* 20 Bicep Push Outs & Ups

-After each set you jump rope 20-100 reps & 400 meter run. Then back for another set. Try to get through 3 sets for a total of 300 reps.

Victor Frankl
Relay for Life Book "Whatever it Takes"

This is an article that was shared with me by my fellow Adventure Boot Camp trainer Kelli Calabrese, is about Risky Foods regarding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens. I cover some of this in my camps about taking hold of your body and living healthy. I think you may be surprised at some of these findings.

Not Just HFCS and Peanut Butter: 10 Other Risky Foods
Is buying organic the answer to avoiding hormones, pesticides and carcinogens?
By Maura Judkis, U.S. News & World Report

As if we don't have enough to be worried about already. In the midst of food safety scares from salmonella in peanut butter and mercury in high fructose corn syrup, has produced a list of 10 other foods that can be dangerous. Their risks range from hormones to pesticides to carcinogenic substances. How to avoid many of these risks? Buy organic.

Farmed salmon. It's high in polychlorinated biphenyls, with 11 times more dioxins than wild salmon.

Conventionally grown bell peppers. They require more pesticides than any other vegetable—with as many as 64 being found on a single sample of pepper in one study.
Non-organic strawberries. Some growers of strawberries irrigate their plants with Nutri-Sweet-laced water. The sugar substitute is a probable carcinogen.

Chilean sea bass. The fish is high in mercury, and if eaten consistently over time, can elevate the body's mercury levels to dangerous amounts.

Non-organic peaches. Pesticides easily penetrate their soft skins and permeate the fruit.

Genetically modified corn. We still don't know the long-term effects of genetically modified corn, but it's been tied to an increase in allergies for humans.

Bluefin tuna. Not only is it high in mercury, but overfishing may drive the species to extinction and affect the sea's ecosystem.

Industrially farmed chicken. Arsenic has been found in conventional chickens, as has antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Non-organic apples. When grown in humid Mid-Atlantic states, the crop uses more pesticides than California, Oregon and Washington states.

Cattle treated with rBGH. Recombinant bovine growth hormone has been traced to breast cancer and hormonal disorders.

So my suggestion when thinking about nutrition for you and your family if you stick to as much organic healthy fresh food as you can, your body will thank you in the long run. Treat it like the temple that it is.

Live Agressive, Strong & Healthy

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday The 13th....Representing Possibilities

Here we are on Friday the 13th!!! Now there are a lot of people that I know and that are out there that make this day a day of gloom and doom. Well I am here to say "No Worries", it's just another day REPRESENTING POSSIBILITIES!

This year there are three Friday the 13th and it hasn't happened since 1998 and it won't happen again until 2015. Not that I really care about that, because anyone who knows me knows I don't, let's just think about this for a moment and see how you can turn things into a moment of success for you in your everyday life.

I watch a powerful video pretty much each day and each time I do I get all inspired and ready to go all over again. I have never really told anyone about the video but I am sure many many of you out there have already viewed it. Well for those that haven't I recommend you DO NOT pass up the opportunity.

Throughout my journey of life I have come across some great opportunities and have tried to make the right choices. But as we all know sometimes there are those choices that put us in a place that after the fact we wish we would have not chosen to make. As I always say, "would have, could have and should have, imply feelings of guilt". You already made the choice, you recognize the results did not put you in a favorable position, now make the choice to change your position.

I am a firm believer that no matter what the excuses or explainations we have for our good or bad choices, "We are who we CHOSE to be". This video confirms that there are others out there that agree that are making powerful choices to change not only themselves but the world around them.

Make a choice TODAY to live your life with the intent to rise again every time you fall and keep moving forward in the moment.

Hope you enjoy the video as much as I do ever day. If nothing else I certainly have no complaints viewing Will Smith's beautiful smile. It's just simply to die for! I will never be afraid to die on the treadmill again! SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW THE VIDEO!




"Always Do The Things You Think You Can't"

If I can be of assistance to you with your health and fitness goals please let me know. We have some great tools available online that will make you succeed.

Log Onto our website for more details!

Find out more about our FREE BOOT CAMPS!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Livermore Boot Camp - Free Saturday Boot Camp- Relay for Life Livermore Fundraiser

Livermore Boot Camp - FREE! Relay for Life Livermore Fundraiser ~Try out the Adventure Boot Camp Program for free!
Saturday January 24, 2009 from 7:30am - 8:30am
Plesanton, Livermore, Dublin, San Ramon, Sunol, Danville

Central Location for Tri Valley Area in Livermore

Come out and try our Adventure Boot Camp program! We will be sponsoring the Relay for Life of Livermore- American Cancer Society, while bringing you the best in outdoor fitness.

Been wanting to see what all the buzz is about outdoor fitness boot camps?

Here is your chance. Our Free Saturday camp is a FULL one hour of fun, energizing out of the box workouts. Combined with functional exercies, circuits, compound movements and much more to give you the best in outdoor fitness giving your metabolism a blast!

Adventure Boot Camp is a world class outdoor fitness program designed to give you great results. Taught only by Ceritified Adventure Boot Camp Trainers, we are the largest outdoor fitness program in the world. A proven program that is fun and delivers great results.

Our FREE SATURDAY BOOT CAMPS are open to New Campers and Current/Past Campers! Come by and say hi, let me know how I can assist you with your health and fitness goals. With over 20 years of experience in the health, fitness and medical fields I have the experience and knowledge to give you the results you need.

I look forward to seeing you in camp! Bring a friend to camp and get started on your fitness program together! It's fun, energizing and you will be glad you did!

ALL participants must email us with your confirmation @ [masked] and register online at our website


We will be taking donations for American Cancer Society - Relay for Life Livermore. I am the Mission Delivery Chair on the Committee for Relay for Life Livermore. My mission is to make sure the message of the American Cancer Society is relayed to our surrounding community.

A donation is not requried to attend the Free Camp but is appreciated. I participate in Relay of Life Livermore as a dedication and honor of my nephew Nicolaus Sandoval, he passed away in January of 2008 from bone cancer, he was only 17. We appreciate any donation you can make but it is not required to attend. You will get a receipt for your contributions. Thanking you in advance!

Location of EVENT will be given to you once you have registered for the camp. It will be held at a central Livermore location. Bring a mat, water and a set of free weights (dumbells -average camper can do between 3-5 lbs for women, 5-15 lbs for men).

Always Do The Things You Think You Can't

My Reason for Relay.... My Nephew and Hero Nicolaus Sandoval

Committed to your well being.....
Deborah Sandoval,
Owner/Certified Adventure Fitness Trainer
Mission Delivery Chair ~ Relay for Life Livermore

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

12 Things to Accomplish by Christmas 2009

I know, I know, how can I already be talking about Christmas when we just left the dead tree at the curb for the boy scouts to take? Well here's my thought.. If I can get you to make one goal each month a reality for you then yes I will talk about Christmas already.

So here we are in 2009. I have one question for you....What are you going to do to make 2009 your year to SHINE?

I have a challenge for you. Each month at the beginning of each month I will post a new goal setting homework assignment. All you have to do is pick one and go for it. By the time you reach the end of the year you will have 12 new goals accomplished for this year. I think that it's worth the efforts on my part, now show me what you can do.

Need accountability? Then email me your goal and let me know if you reached it or if you need help in the process. It has been proven that if you tell someone your goal it will make you more accountable in the long run.

So here we it's up to you.

I would like to suggest that you start slow but start right now and set your first goal of the year 2009. Pick one thing you'd like to accomplish by January 30th. Heck it can be anything you want. But of course it has to be related to making your life that much more healthier and fun. Did you expect anything else?

Here is your homework for today:

1. Pick one goal you want to achieve by the end of January 2009.
2. Write it down and post it somewhere you can read it each morning when you arise
3. Visualize yourself each night before bedtime, successfully achieving your goals
4. Tell someone about your goal. This makes you accountable to someone else other
than yourself.

Try not to make it too complicated. Make it fun and realistic. Here are some examples of what you may think about doing for yourself. Now you have no excuse...just get up and get ready for your day.

* Try 3 new fruits or veggies
* Lose 5 pounds
* Start making bedtime earlier and get more rest on two specific days a week
* Increase your water intake by 1 extra 8oz glass of water
* Make your lunch every day from something healthy and nutritionist

What do you need to guard yourself against when making goals for yourself? Well it's Complacency. That is hearing something so many times that it no longer makes an impact. Complacency happens to all of us, unless we guard against it. This tends to happen with things we are comfortable with, things that are around us every day.

So live on the edge a little, challenge yourself and make yourself uncomfortable so you move forward in your change. Once you reach your goal you will wonder why you didn't make the decision long ago.

So stay focused, live aggressively and....

Always do the things you think you can't!!

Here is a great recipe for some great all time snacks without all the bad stuff. My friend, Dr. Chris Mohr, RD makes Sweet Potato Fries not only scrumptious but healthy too!!

Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries

serves 4-6
1 - 1 1/2 lb sweet potatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp cinnamon

• Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil
(preferably the easy release kind).

• Peal the sweet potatoes. Cut into strips that are about 1/2 inch wide on
each side.

• Place the sweet potatoes into a sealable plastic bag. Add oil, salt, paprika
and cinnamon. Seal the bag and shake well to thoroughly coat the fries.
Spread the potatoes out onto the baking sheet in a single layer.

Cook for 30 minutes, turning every 10 minutes. Transfer immediately to a paper towel lined plate and serve warm.

There you have it -- a healthy alternative to regular fries and a darn good one too!! If you don't like the heat, leave out the paprika.

Make it a Healthy Day!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top 5 Fitness Trends for 2009 to Make YOU SHINE!

Are you ready to SHINE FOR 2009? As we start the new year we make resolutions to make some changes in all parts of our lives. Most of us (close to 90%)don't stick to what we pledge for the new year.

Well I made it a practice long ago to NOT make any resolutions for the new year.

That's right! I believe setting short term and long term goals before the year is up for the new year is more enlightening way of getting started for the year to come. Throughout the year each quarter I redo the goal lists (Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily goals)and make the necessary adjustments. This for me has kept me on track, shows me where I need to work harder and gives me red flags where I missed my goal.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE), released their report on what they predict will work for the health and fitness profession for the 2009 Fitness Trends. It has been posted by WebMD and CBS News. You can see the article here ACE Predicts Fitness Trends for 2009

Make note: FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW...THEY PREDICT Fitness Boot Camps as their top choice for the 2009!

Note only is Boot Camp training still number one but Tri Valley Boot Camp has 100% of the trends all rolled up into one in our program! That's right where else could you get that?

For the past three years I have been helping many many people get fit and stay healthy by way of my fitness boot camps and other programs. We have had some great fun along with some awesome results.

Tri Valley Adventure Boot Camp program has 10 of the 10 Fitness Trends for 2009 to make YOU SHINE!

1. Boot Camp Fitness at it's best
2. Each Day at Camp is only $16.25 (personal training boot camp style) get more for your money
3. We have lots of FUN each day we are in camp
4. Our workouts are developed from the basic core training programs. No machines, no sweaty indoor gym, no frills trainers, giving you the training that works!
5. Circuit Training- we always have some surprise for you!
6. Kettlebell Training- yes we have even done Kettlebell workouts and the campers love it!
7. Boomer Fitness - I haven't reach 50 yet (close) but I do have Boomer Fitness Campers that are in boot camp year round! I bet you can't keep up with them!
8. Technology Based Fitness- We have online personal training and nutrition programs, Ipod on the go downloadable workouts, and our online fitness newsletter.
9. Sports specific workouts. You bet!
10. Mixing it Up EVERY DAY IN CAMP! That's right each day you are in camp is different. We do cardio, weight training, core training, sports drills, and much more!

So here are MY Predictions that I believe are going to make you SHINE FOR 2009!

1. Fitness Boot Camps Will Rise, One-On-One Personal Training Will Decline!

As we well know right now we are all facing financial difficulties. With the economy and what is happening around the world we have to find ways that will be benificial to us in the long run. I try not to dwell on the negative but the 'experts' say that this may be the case for awhile longer. The average American simply does not have the disposable income or time that is required of typical personal training rates that run about $60 per hour. And even if you could afford it, why would you?

Fitness boot camps are your answer. According to the ACE report Fitness Boot Camps are still going to be the number one trend for 2009. The group training creates the ultimate win-win for trainers and for those seeking training,making the one-on-one alternative obsolete. As trainers we get to better leverage our time and maximize are ability to help many more at one time than with personal training. Fitness clients are able to better access personal training services in a unique and dynamic team environment that provides better social support and accountability for only a the third of the cost of typical one-on-one training rates.

Fitness boot camps are popping up all over the country, and for good reason. If you are trying to lose weight in 2009, do yourself a favor by saving your hard-earned money to get better results by joining a local fitness boot camp. Find one that has trainers that are certified or have the experience to give you a safe, fun workout.

Adventure Boot Camp has the largest network of certified boot camp trainers around the world. We network to help each other bring you the best in health and fitness. Our programs are formatted to give you the best in a bootcamp training experience with professionalism and knowledge. For a location close to you go to Adventure Boot Camp.

2. Aerobic Training is Obsolete Interval Training is Key Component
for Improved Fat Loss and Fitness

High-Intensity Interval Training is rapidly gaining popularity as the best form of improving both fitness and fat loss. Fortunately, 2009 will see more people doing sprints and less people doing marathons to lose weight. However, make no mistake about it, lots of people are still doing hours of cardio to burn fat.

Aerobic or endurance training is essentially going at a slow, low intensity pace for a long period of time (typically at least 30-60 minutes). In other words, the focus of endurance training is on the total volume of exercise (not quality). Think about all those speed limpers you see every New Year foolishly running for hours pounding the pavement, treadmills, elipticals, to get rid of those love handles. Now don't get me wrong, endurance training has its place if you enjoy long walks or runs or if you have set a goal to finish a long distance event. But unfortunately I can almost guarantee that those people that go down this road starting January 1st will look the same on February 1st and the rest of the year if that is their plan. Those that choose high intensity interval training will see the results!

With interval training, the focus is on the intensity of exercise (quality). Intervals consist of alternating between shorts bouts of all out high-intensity effort and active recovery periods for a much quicker and focused amount of time (typically 10-20 minutes of intervals works best). This approach is scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat AND lead to faster improvements in fitness than the aerobic alternative.

Two landmark scientific studies come to mind here:

The Tabata study compared the effects of four minutes of high-intensity interval training with 45-60 minutes of low to moderate intensity cardio. The interval training group burned just as much fat as the endurance group and also had greater improvement in both anaerobic (think sprinters) and aerobic (think distance runners) fitness… in only four minutes!

The Gibala study compared the effects of 20 minutes of interval training (30 second sprint followed by four minutes of rest) with 90-120 minutes of endurance training in the "heart rate zone." The conclusions of the study were that both methods of training lead to the same improvements in oxygen utilization (or aerobic fitness). In other words, intervals accomplished what endurance training did from a fitness standpoint in only a sixth of the time!
The time is now to jump on the interval training bandwagon. Come 2009, do yourself and your body a favor and start sprint training and see how your body changes!

3. Online Fitness Training Tools

With how busy we all are sometimes many of us don't have the time to stop and take a fitness class or drive to the gym for a specific scheduled time.

Well Online Fitness Training Tools is the answer. Online Personal Training, Nutrition and Ipod downloable workouts as well as interactive video exercising will give you the On-The-Go solution to your health and fitness program.

Trainers now have programs available to you for a fraction of the cost for one-on-one personal training. This is a great solution for those traveling for work, taking a vacation or trying to fit fitness in during your busy "mom" day!

It's all online and at your own time. Check them out it may be what you are looking for. We have a few options for you to choose from that will help you make 2009 your year to shine!

4. Kettlebell Training

In looking at this type of training that is quickly becoming a new way to burn fat at an amazing rate, I have yet to walk away UNCHALLENGED after doing a kettlebell workout.

Not only are they incredibly effective for rapid weight loss but they are cheap to buy, require very little space and are fun to use. In fact, I have yet to come across anyone I introduce them to that has told me they do not enjoy working out with kettlebells.

Here are the three awesome components in kettlebell training that you will get in less time when training with kettlebells.

1. Burn more fat in less time
2. Increasing your metabolism with more muscle toning
3. Caloring burning even after you are done working out Afterburn" or EPOC (excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption)

If you are looking for a full body workout and want more for your money then start incorporating kettlebell training into your fintess program on a regular basis. Then watch your body change!

5. Lean Protein and Fiber Are the Carb Addict's Answer
For Improved Health, Performance, and Body Composition.

Americans are carb addicts. We simply can't get enough starches and sugars in our diet, and we have the bulging midsections to prove it. One of the biggest misconceptions about diet today is that eliminated starches and sugars from your diet automatically means low carb. Better said, eliminating grains (even whole grains) and refined sugars still allows for consumption of the other carbohydrates: fruits and veggies.

These nutrient-dense carbs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber and create more stable blood sugar levels to keep your body burning fat all day long. All of our fitness clients who have lost the most fat and kept it off followed our guidelines of unlimited veggies all day long (besides corn, peas, carrots, beets, and potatoes). In other words, eat lots of veggie carbs, and very little of the other stuff if you want to see your abs!

The overwhelming scientific literature proving the fat burning benefits of a nutrition plan that is high in lean protein and fiber is finally catching the eye of mainstream consumers. Protein is the most important component of each and every meal or snack you consume.

It builds and maintains muscle, allows your body to preferentially burn fat, increases metabolism through the thermic effect of feeding, and fills you up. Fiber (ideally obtained from fruits and vegetables, specifically green vegetables) helps slow digestion for a more steady supply of nutrients and sustained energy, it prevents overeating at each meal, and it helps keep you more full between meals. Thus by combining protein and fiber every two to four hours, you provide your body with the optimal one-two belly fat burning punch for a leaner, sexier you.
Without a doubt, people will be consuming more protein and fruits and veggies next year, and their bodies will reap the rewards of this.

There you have it! My Fitness Trends for 2009 to make YOU SHINE. Get started and incorporate at least one of these into your fitness routine and start to see the new Sexy Lean Body to make you shine.

For any help or questions with getting started in your health and fitness program or to get more information about what you have read, give me a call or email me. I will be happy to assist you in any way that I can.