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Thursday, December 18, 2008


There are always one or two people on our Christmas list that stumps us in the gift giving department every year. You know that person that seems to have everything or who is picky and we are just not sure what to get. We want to get them something that they will love and get great use out of, right? Then why not get them a fitness gift? Everyone wants to look and feel better and perform better not only in their daily game of life but to help them perform better as they do so.

Here are my top 10 list of the best last minute fitness gifts for 2008! You may even find something here to add your holiday wish list as well. Try anything that will get them moving, outdoors and trying something new to keep them motivated to keep moving forward in their health and fitness plans.

1.) A Foam Roller
Not familiar with the benefits of a foam roller? Well now is your chance. Most of us spend our whole day either tied to a desk or a car and we barely have time to work out let alone daily stretching! Well that is where a foam roller comes in handy. It’s by far the best corrective self-massage tool that will dramatically boost up injury prevention and improve performance. A foam roller massages and lengthens the muscles and connective tissue making it the ultimate tool to use for 5 minutes a day to promote circulation, thus healing the micro-tears in your muscles that result from high intensity training! For less than $30 the foam roller will relieve and possibly eliminate aches, pains and tension in the back, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, legs and more.

If you are going to get a foam roller here is an insider tip, they come in different density levels and for the average person or a beginner roller any foam roller will do but for a larger person or someone that generally prefers more pressure you will want to get denser foam.

You can purchase foam rollers by emailing us at or you can check out a variety of foam rollers at Perform Better. My brand of choice is The EVA Premium Foam Roller (about $30), I have used it every day for the last several years and I swear by it! Check out foam rollers here.

2.) Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are by far the most simple, convenient, and affordable equipment option in the fitness industry. They supply total portability for killer workouts that can be done anywhere. If you are a busy professional who does a lot of traveling, bands are the perfect lightweight training tool to take your workouts with you on the road as they can fit in the smallest of bags without a problem. If you are a too busy and looking to work out in the comfort of your own home, bands can make this happen too. Bands are the perfect pair to your body weight circuit training workouts for added variety, allow for multiple levels of resistance with practically zero transition and set-up time, are easy on the joints, and are fun to use!

In learning from the world’s premier resistance band training expert, Dave “The Might Band Man” Schmitz. This guy is wild and creates the most innovative fat loss workouts with bands that you’ll ever see. He has his own line of resistance bands that are virtually indestructible. I just got some for testing at home, so we can take them to boot camp. This is very important as I have had some injuries due to bad bands and they can be serious. To get the best bands in the business check out

3.) A Kettlebell
I can’t say enough about the versatility and efficiency of training with the Kettlebell. This single tool can provide you with the cardio and the strength training you need in one workout, you won’t find that with any other gadget out there.

This ancient tool has stood the test of time for good reason you can order your own Kettelbell and kettlebell accessories from the leader in the Kettlebell industry, Dragon Door you can go direct here to find one that fits your needs . Don't be afraid of a kettlebell, you will be amazed on how great of a challenging work out you can get with 5 basic moves.

4.) A Gift Card to Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or Other Premium Grocery Stores
Think out of the box and rather than spend the money on an overpriced restaurant, why not give a week’s worth of groceries to a 100% organic grocer like Whole Foods to a friend or loved one. After all, everybody’s got to eat, but how many of us actually eat the right stuff to support our fitness goals?

I will admit, several years ago Whole Foods was not my first choice of grocery store. Now however, I shop there almost exclusively these days, particularly when buying produce to avoid foods that are typically loaded with hormones and pesticides at other regular run of the mill grocery stores. Those are the toxins that break down our immune system to the virus' and bacteria around us.

The key is to go in with a budget in mind (e.g. spend $50 bucks on protein, $20 on fruits and veggies, and $10 on miscellaneous items) only buying what you need.

5.) A Gift Card to a Massage Therapist
Most of us get a little crazy busy with stress during the holiday season and nothing eases the tension like a good massage. I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t be happy with a massage, unless you know someone who doesn’t like to be touched. It’s nice to be pampered on occasion, and though the foam roller I mentioned above can do wonders for the majority of your body, nothing can alleviate tension in your upper back, neck, and head like a good massage therapist!

If you are in need of revitalizing your body for the New Year....then give me a call and lets talk dates & times! I can also recommend you to others around the area.

6.) Supplements that Work: Protein Powders, Fish Oil, Multi-Vitamin
I have helped hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds of fat. In my journey, I have found only three supplements to be a mandatory part of the optimal fat loss program: protein powders, fish oil, and multi-vitamin supplements.

Protein powders provide great liquid workout nutrition and a convenient meat alternative for on-the-go snacking. For a protein powder, look for a brand low in sugar and carbohydrates and with a mix of both whey and casein (fast and slow absorbing proteins).

Fish oil, or more appropriately entitled an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement, is critical to providing key omega 3’s to maximize overall health, performance, and body composition. Studies show that krill oil provides the most effective dosing of EFA’s.

A multi-vitamin provides keys vitamins and minerals that are tough to obtain unless your diet is near picture perfect. I don’t know about you, but I like to cover my bases when it comes to my health. Be sure to choose a multi-vitamin supplement that is made from whole foods rather than synthetic materials, in addition to being made specifically for your gender.

For a complete list of recommendations give me a call or send me an email and I will get you the information you need to get you started. Look for this information on the website for the coming year under the online store front.

7.) Sport-Specific Gift
If you want to give a great gift to an athlete then get them something unique that compliments their sport, whether it is fitness equipment, apparel, or both.

8.) Fitness/Nutrition- Book/Subscription to Fitness Magazine, Recipe Book (Diabetic, Vegan, Seafood, Light & Quick)

If you have just read a good fitness book that you know a friend or family member would benefit from, hook them up with their own copy. Better yet, people love magazine subscriptions. Personally, I am a big fan of Health. This magazine is filled with tons of workout, nutrition, and lifestyle tips. I have a list of recommended books that will be sure to be a great hit with you or a loved one. Let me know if you would like it and I will get right out to you. For a list of other recommended products by Deborah, visit the website after the new year under the online store front.

9.) Polar Heart Rate Monitor
If the person on your list is serious about keeping track of their goals then they will need to know where they are at so they know where they are going with regards to heart rate, calories, mileage and more there are many varieties of the heart rate monitor that can help keep track. Check out Heart Rate Monitors Here

10.) A Gift Card to a Fitness Boot Camp
Boot camps provide a fun and exciting team environment that guarantee better results than one-on-one personal training for only a third of the cost. Look for a local fitness boot camp with tons of social proof (client testimonials, especially in the form of pictures and video) to make sure they have a solid reputation and a bunch of raving fans of people just like you. Plus, any good boot camp worth its weight offers free trials and money-back guarantees to all newcomers because they are so confident their program works that you’ll more than likely continue after a test-drive, This way there is typically no risk on your part… besides getting your butt kicked, in a good way ;)

So join a fitness boot camp with at least one other friend or family member or buy a boot camp gift card to give to your loved ones. As a boot camp client myself, I know firsthand that everyone always get better results when they embark on a fitness journey with others. And if you live in the East Bay, Tri Valley area, come work with us for the best personal training and fitness programs in East Bay and Tri Valley by visiting

We’ll change your life and have you looking better naked this coming New Year, guaranteed!Enjoy your holidays and have a very happy, healthy and safe New Year!

Call or email anytime with any questions you may have in health and fitness. I will be happy to assist you in any way that I can.

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo
From My Family to Yours....

Deborah Sandoval, CMT, CAFT
Owner/President and Head Boot Camp Trainer

Natural Force Fitness, Inc
P.O. Box 5351
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boot Camp Nutrition- The THEN and NOW of Portion Control, Tasty Pumpkin Pancakes, More!

Today’s Re-Powering Information: Yesterday I got an e-mail that I thought was worth passing along. It has to do with Portion Control in you daily nutrition. We have supersized our eating and therefore our bodies. Keep in mind that your stomach is the size of your fist (or at least it should be). A serving of protein should be the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards. Startch carbs (rice, pasta, bread, cereal) about the size of a computer mouse and fibrous carbs (most veggies found in salad) the size of two handfuls. You should not be adding fat to anything, but eating foods with good natural fats such as nuts. All starchy carbs should be 100% whole wheat. For optimum burning always have a protien with a carb they need each other to break down correctly.

Check out the sizes of a typical coffee, chocolate milk, cola and chips – then and now! Also scroll down for 2 great recipes. I plan on making the Apples this week and having the Pumkin Pancakes on Sunday morning with the kids....I'll let you know how that goes!


Portion Size: Then and Nowby T. KallmyerHow does one cut portion size when in most of the western world portion size has grown exponentially in the last 20 or so years.I remember when the 7-Eleven Big Gulp came on the scene in 1980 and how everyone was amazed that you could actually purchase a drink that size. It was 32 ounces back then, now you can buy a Super Big Gulp that's a whopping 64 ounces.

No wonder there's such a weight epidemic in many developed countries as people are constantly enticed with ever growing portions. Here are some illustrations of just how portion sizes have changed in the last 20 years.

Take-away Coffees Over 20 years ago before the concept of the coffee house, a takeaway coffee would generally come in a 7oz/200ml Styrofoam cup, so with some sugar and cream it averaged around 85 Calories. Now a consumer can be enticed with a 16oz/470ml version made mostly with milk which can top 480 Calories depending on the drink ordered.

Chips Twenty years ago a small pack of chips (left) was just an ounce(30g) and yielded 150 Calories. Now most packs are either 1.8oz/50g with 250 Calories (center) or 3.5oz/100g containing 500 Calories (right).

Flavored Milk Chocolate milk used to be sold in 10oz/300ml bottles 20 years ago containing 220 Calories, but now the norm is around 20oz/600ml yielding 440 Calories.

Soft Drinks 20 years ago is was common to only get a 12oz/390ml soda from a vending machine containing 160 Calories, but today it is more common to find machines dispensing 20oz/600ml bottles giving 245 Calories. Why has this happened?

Amanda Clark, the Author of Portion Perfection, believes that it was driven by nothing but the almighty dollar. Companies realized if they increased portion size, they could increase the cost of the item. The larger portion size would entice the customer to spend more money causing the profit margins on the product to increase a lot while the company's expenses on marketing, design, labor etc. only increased slightly. In some cases a consumer could get 50% more product for only 16% more money. Who could resist? Unfortunately, as these portion sizes increased so has western society's waistline.

Pump-cakes High-Protein Pumpkin Pancakes!

These are bodybuilding pancakes, but you can make them in saller servings so there are less calories.
7.5 oz (212 g) of canned pumpkin
1/3 cup (27 g) oatmeal dry
1/3 cup (40 g) multigrain or whole wheat pancake mix
1 scoop (26 g) vanilla (or plain) protein powder
4 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp cinnamon Sweetener (pure sugar, stevia or Blue Agave Syrup):
OptionalYield: makes 2 large (5 inch wide) pancakes
Nutrition information for 2 pancakes, unsweetened
Calories: 507 Protein: 44.1 g. Carbs: 69.7 g. Fat: 5 g.
44 medium Bramley, or other cooking apples;
55g sultanas;
55g dried unsulphured apricots, finely chopped;
25g currants;
25g dried figs, stalks removed and finely chopped;
1 tablespoon pure fruit apple and pear spread (or no added sugar jam);
2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Mix the filling ingredients together (everything bar the apples) and leave for 20 minutes. Wash and core the apples, then cut in half. Place the apple halves, skin side down, on a baking sheet. Top with filling, cover with foil and bake in the centre of the oven for 25-30 minutes, until soft.
Commited to your well being! Live agressive, healthy and strong!